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Environmental Management We pursue sustainable growth, and through this, the company aims to establish a virtuous cycle system.

  • Environmental Management

    Implementing Eco-Friendly Values

  • As a member of society, Gold Tech is working to effectively respond to ESG management responsibly. We will open up the future by preemptively responding to climate change.

    We will prioritize the environment for the next generation and use environmental management and environmental management strategies to fulfill our social responsibilities.니다.

  1. 01

    Strengthening Workplace Environment Management

    Waste and Chemical Emission Reduction
    Carbon Emission Reduction

  2. 02

    Improving Resource Recycling

    Improving Waste Recycling on Work Sites
    Improving Reuse of Packaging

  3. 03

    Eco-Friendly Energy Use

    Discovering New Eco-Friendly Energy Businesses